AgrowSil is a calcium silicate Aglime available in bulk powder form.

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AgrowSil is a calcium silicate-based agricultural liming product that provides the most effective and efficient means to correct chemical imbalances, nutrient deficiencies and soil toxicity issues associated with acid soils. It is particularly effective in establishing silicate anion processes that address soil acidity, metal toxicity (aluminum, manganese and other metals), phosphorus fixation and soil structural problems caused by acidic soils.

Our products are used by farmers for high yield crops in hay, wheat, corn, soy beans, alfalfa, hay, grass hay.

Agrowsil and Agrowsil Pro both function as agricultural liming products, the only thing that changes is the Silicon content.

AgrowSil is manufactured at our Sarver, PA location using Stainless Steel slag which is high in Silicon, while Agrowsil Pro is manufactured at our Steelton, PA plant using Carbon Steel slag which contains less Silicon.

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Addressing soil acidity

The silica species in AgrowSil are represented in the soil profile by soluble and weakly adsorbed monosilicic acids, polysilicic acids, and organosilicon compounds. These forms are interchangeable with each other and provide a comprehensive, multifunctional menu of beneficial geochemical reactions that contribute alone, or in combination with each other, to enhance the management and correction of acid conditions, metal toxicity, phosphorus fixation, nutrient deficiencies and soil structural problems caused by acidic soils.

Soil pH is actually an index of active acidity -- the acidity present in the soil water. Of greater importance in many cases is the reserve acidity, the amount of H+ and Al3+ cations occupying exchange sites. Reserve acidity impacts active acidity, and acts to replenish it when liming materials neutralize H+ ions and precipitate aluminum in the soil solution. A good management program to address soil acidity, therefore, must ensure that the soil conditioner that is applied to the acidic soil is capable of neutralizing both active and reserve acidity.

The calcium cation constituent of calcium silicate functions exactly the same as the calcium cation found in liming materials. They both act to disassociate (desorb) H+ and Al3+ cations from the surfaces of soil particles and soil organic matter. Both calcium carbonate and calcium silicate are quite effective in raising pH. While the silicate anion and the calcium carbonate anion function in different ways, both materials act on H+ and Al3+ cations in the soil solution (active acidity) and increase pH that prevents Al3+ from solubilizing from clay particles.

AgrowSil and active acidity

Calcium silicate reduces soil acidity by increasing soil pH, thereby improving soil active acidity. The silicate anion is very active in neutralizing H+ cations in the soil solution. Unlike lime materials, it does not produce CO2 (a greenhouse gas) into the atmosphere or remain in the soil to contribute to acidic conditions later. As the silicate anion captures H+ ions (raising the pH), it forms monosilicic acid (H4SiO4). Monosilicic acid remains in the soil profile to play a number of other important roles in correcting the adverse effects of acidic soil conditions.

CaSiO3 + 2H+ + H2O → Ca2+ + H4SiO4 (monosilicic acid)

Monosilicic acid complexes with toxic Al3+ and aluminum hydroxide species found in the soil solution to form non-toxic aluminosilicate and hydroxyaluminosilicate compounds which precipitate from the rootzone.

AgrowSil and reserve acidity

In addition to having its Calcium (Ca) cation displace Al3+ and other metals from the surface of soil particles and soil organic matter, the silicate anion complexes with aluminum and other metal cations on exchange sites — fixing the potentially toxic metals in place and replacing the positive or neutral site with a complexed compound capable of producing negative sites (improving cation exchange capacity). This represents a significant addition to the performance spectrum of calcium silicate and is a process not found in calcium carbonate liming materials.

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